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“When you love what you do, you fly high for your dreams.” Those were always the words of my grandfather Calinca as all his friends told him, he spent entire days in the markets of Tabasco looking for the best and freshest spices to be able to prepare the seasonings that he would put on his chorizo ​​and his prepared meats, he enjoyed, and I lived that experience like nobody else. The nature of Tabasco is wide and varied. It has an abundance of herbs and fruits that give a very special flavor to its gastronomy. The cattle of Tabasco have a high quality, in fact, the state is one of the main producers at the national level. All this diversity is reflected in its rich and varied gastronomy. Regarding meats, Tabasco dishes mainly use beef, pork and chicken. The flavor of one of his special preparations, the chorizo, was so special that it could only be eaten mixed with white rice and in this way, he enjoyed the conjugation of the different spices used, his vision was to turn each moment into the consumption of food prepared with their seasonings, a very special moment. Little by little his friends from butcher shops and restaurants in Teapa, Tabasco were asking him to prepare some kind of seasoning, some kind of powder that would give that special touch to meat, chicken and all the protein that they used in such a varied and rich Mexican gastronomy. This is how he began to write all his recipes for spice mixtures for his seasonings for meat, for chicken, for fajitas, pepper-lemon, garlic salts, a seasoning that could be used for all kinds of dishes. All these formulas were saved until the day I was able to make the decision to finally share the flavors of Mexico with the world with my own line of seasonings. I hope that when you try our seasonings you will travel and enjoy Mexican gastronomy which was named on November 16, 2010, as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Enjoy!!

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